14th cinema movie with π. 选取的样本不错但片终有戛然而止的感觉说了一些却又好像什么都没说猜大部分女生看了以后估计更加没有恋爱结婚生子的欲望怪不得没有排片(x)无论如何有人愿意关注这个话题即使只是将事实呈现出来脱个精光美女图片也是有意义的
He wrote his way out. OMG Lin,I love this mate deeply.He's a genius, no doubt, he has pure love for art u can just see that in his eyes and he's got great passion for actually filling his days with endless wonders rather than just stay alive.He's gentle, he can be sweet but he can also be insistent and boldly speaks out his mind.